What’s the definition of a behavioral disorder?
A behavioral disorder is any change in your pet’s temperament, or activity/inactivity that is abnormal, dysfunctional, or unusual, which can’t be attributed to an underlying medical condition. Behavioral disorders include, but are not limited to, aggression, separation anxiety, & phobias.
What’s covered under behavioral coverage?
While your policy is in effect, we’ll reimburse you up to $1,000 per policy year for diagnosis & treatment of behavioral disorders by a licensed veterinarian.
What isn’t covered under behavioral coverage?
We will not reimburse you for:
Treatment of any pre-existing behavioral disorders (that is, any behavioral disorder which first occurred or showed clinical signs before the effective date of your policy)
Treatment of behavioral disorders by anyone but a veterinarian (for example, a trainer)
Note on annual limit for behavioral coverage
Behavioral coverage is tied to the same $1,000 annual limit as telehealth coverage. So if you’re reimbursed $500 for behavioral treatment & then $500 for treatment via telehealth, you can’t be reimbursed for either coverage again that policy year.