What’s covered under boarding fees?
If you’re ever hospitalized as a result of an injury or illness while your policy is in effect, we’ll reimburse you up to $1,000 per year for the cost of boarding your pet at a licensed facility.
What isn’t covered under boarding fees?
Your policy doesn’t cover boarding fees if:
You’re admitted to the hospital because of an injury or illness, which first occurred or showed clinical signs before the effective date of your policy (in other words, a pre-existing condition)
You’re admitted to the hospital for substance abuse, or following self-inflicted illness, or injury, or a suicide attempt
You’re admitted to the hospital as a result of pregnancy or childbirth
You’re treated for anything besides illness or injury
You’re treated somewhere other than a hospital
You’re hospitalized for less than 96 hours
How do I submit a claim for boarding fees?
Here’s what you need to do:
Download the claim form for boarding fees attached to this article.
Review the required information carefully.
Get signed confirmation from your doctor, including all the information required in the boarding fees claim form.
Get signed confirmation from the boarding facility, including all the information required in the boarding fees claim form.
Submit a claim that includes the completed boarding fees claim form, plus a finalized invoice from the boarding facility. The invoice has to show a zero balance or that it was paid in full in order for us to accept it.